When note taking I use symbols, abbreviations and
numbers as this saves time. Some of the notes I take may not be understood by other people as we all take notes in differently which, other people may not be able to understand.
Five tips when note taking:
Read over stuff before class.
Bring notes with you.
Review notes.
Ask questions (Ellis, D, (2003)
Different types of learners:
Visual- People who learn the best from
looking at things i.e. looking at the bored during a presentation or using
Reader and writer - People learn best by reading something and write the
information followed by writing it down straight away as notes.
• Kinaesthetic- These learn best hands on. They find it hard to stay concentrated
for long periods of time Cook, D (2013).
I am a mixed learner, which
means, I learn from each of these. I use my visual skills to
read the information, while listening to what the tutor is saying, I
would pick out the key points in both what is being said also by what is on the
bored. I prefer hands on work as I remember the information more
and this helps as I find it hard to concentrate for long periods of time.
I would use a spider web to take down key words in
class. As you can see in the following picture, which contains the notes, I
have taking from the video by Kevin Breen
After college I convert my spider
web into proper notes, which I can understand. I do this as soon as I can while
the information is fresh.
Reference List:
Ellis, D, (2003) Becoming a Master Student, 10th Ed., Houghton Mifflin Company
Referencing and Plagiarism
At the start of my course I didn't realise how difficult referencing was going to be in this college. Even though I would have a slight better understanding of it now I am still finding it difficult. Hopefully as time goes on I will become more familiar with it.
To ensure new students understand the Harvard referencing style, I would introduce them to it in their first week, for example; I would show them how to reference a book and the next week a website. After every week I would give them an exam on each piece of referencing. This will help them become familiar with the referencing style from the start of the year before they start doing assignments.
If i was to reference a book within the text it would look like this:
Reference List:
Harvard Referencing (2013) Referencing mage easy [online] Queens university Belfast Available at http://www.qub.ac.uk/cite2write/introduction.html [Accessed 8th December 2013]
Plagiarising, Iplaradigms,LLC, Available at http://www.plagiarism.org/plagiarism-101/what-is-plagiarism [Accessed on: 8th December 2013]
Cook, D 2013, Week 8, lab 1, Referencing and Plagiarism, lecture referencing, communications and learning environment LT1, ITB, delivered 5th November 2013.
Queens university Ireland (n.d) Types of plagiarism [online] Available at: http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Accidental_Plagiarism.pdf [Accessed 8th December 2013]
Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence
I feel my cognitive intelligence is affected by some of my different life experiences as they can have an affect on how I feel towards certain subjects. Scriven.M & Pau.R (1996).
Simplyphychology.org Freud (1915).
According to Freud the unconscious mind takes up the biggest portion of the mind while the conscious consists of the smaller portion O'Reilly.M (2013). This is outlined in the above images (S.Freud, 1915). Some people believe that the emotional intelligence is more important . I believe that the emotional and cognitive intelligence need to be equal and you cant have one with out the other. I think that cognitive thinking allows us to go through the process of thinking, while on the other hand the emotional intelligence, allows us to have feels about the thing we have just thought about or by the way we may have acted and reflected on a situation. I think without the cognitive intelligence we would not be able to come up with successful ideas and with out the emotional side we would not be able to cope with the actions we have made.
Reference List:
Purvis, C (2009) Factors that influence the development of critical thinking [online] Unversity of Georgia. Available at https://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/purvis_carol_a_200912_edd/purvis_carol_a_200912_edd.pdf [Assessed on 7th December 2013)
Lucknow (2013);http://www.themodern.in/emotional-and-cognitive-intelligence/, Accessed on 9th December 2013.
Critical Thinking
My understanding of critical thinking,/reading has been very limited until before learning it. After finding out what critical thinking was I realised I do this all the time with out even knowing it. When I critically think I spend some time understanding the information correctly and what consequences can occur, instead I join together all the small pieces of what I have to do so I can then see the bigger picture. I always look at the following,
When I critically think it reduces wasting time as I know exactly where I am going and exactly what I am getting especially if my time is limited. Thinking critically really benefits me. As a diabetic my-self I would have to critically think when going anywhere especially for long periods of time. The things I would have to think about would be,
Cook, D 2013, Week 10, lab 1, Critical Thinking, lecture referencing, communications and learning environment LT1, ITB, delivered 26th November 2013.
S.Ganly, 2010,Critical Thinking: Benefits, Characteristics, and Decision Making, [Online] http://voices.yahoo.com/critical-thinking-benefits-characteristics-decision-5935574:[Accessed 7th December 2013].
Baldwin, A (2005).The Community College of Cyonons Experience, Pearson/Prentice Hall; [online], http://www.canyons.edu/committees/leap/team1/15tips/tip2.asp, [Accessed on 7th December 2013].
Cook, D 2013, Week 1, lecture 1,Effective note taking, communications and learning environment LT1, ITB, delivered 24th September 2013.
Cook, D 2013, Week 1, lecture 1,Effective note taking, communications and learning environment LT1, ITB, delivered 24th September 2013.
Sherfield. R, Montgomery. R, and Moody. P, (2009) Building on Your Best, 4th Ed. (Pearson/Prentice Hall) [Online], http://www.prenhall.com/success/FacultyRes/sherfieldsyllabus1.html, [Accessed on 9th December 2013).
Ellis, D, (2003) Becoming a Master Student, 10th Ed., Houghton Mifflin Company
Dartmouth’s Academic Skills Center, by
Trustees of Dartmouth College {Online} http://www.dartmouth.edu/~acskills/success/index.htm: (Assessed on the 6th December 2013)
Referencing and Plagiarism
At the start of my course I didn't realise how difficult referencing was going to be in this college. Even though I would have a slight better understanding of it now I am still finding it difficult. Hopefully as time goes on I will become more familiar with it.
To ensure new students understand the Harvard referencing style, I would introduce them to it in their first week, for example; I would show them how to reference a book and the next week a website. After every week I would give them an exam on each piece of referencing. This will help them become familiar with the referencing style from the start of the year before they start doing assignments.
Unfortunately because I am still having difficulties with the referencing system. This is why I would place great emphasis on the importance of understanding the referencing system to new students.
There are two type of plagiarism accidental or on purpose, and it can happen so easily Cook, D (2013)
There are two type of plagiarism accidental or on purpose, and it can happen so easily Cook, D (2013)
Referencing is giving a person credit for the work they did if you have used it. Plagiarism involves passing someone else's work off as your own with out referencing it Cook, D (2013).
If i was to reference a book within the text it would look like this:
- According to Lightbown and Spada (2006,p1), 'language acquisition is one of the most impressive and fascinating aspects of Human development' The department of Humanities,(2013).
And then enter the full details of the reference into my reference list at the end. it should look like this;
- Lightbown, P. and Spada (2006) How Languages are Learned , Oxford: Oxford University Press The department of Humanities,(2013).
Referencing a website,
- MRCI (n.d.) community work, {online} Available at: http//www.mrci.ie/community-work/ [Accessed 20 June 2012] The department of Humanities,(2013).
After any sentence you have taken from someone else's work it must contain a citation. This is an abreaction of the reference such as (MRCI), this shows that you have used someone elses work but you have it referenced further down in the reference list.
Harvard Referencing (2013) Referencing mage easy [online] Queens university Belfast Available at http://www.qub.ac.uk/cite2write/introduction.html [Accessed 8th December 2013]
Plagiarising, Iplaradigms,LLC, Available at http://www.plagiarism.org/plagiarism-101/what-is-plagiarism [Accessed on: 8th December 2013]
Referencing Guide (2013) The department of Humanities, Institute of Blanchardstown, Dublin
Queens university Ireland (n.d) Types of plagiarism [online] Available at: http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Accidental_Plagiarism.pdf [Accessed 8th December 2013]
Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence
I believe that emotional Intelligence is very important as it shows how we feel and allows us to function, behave and interact with others on a daily basis (Segal & Smith,2013). If I know how I feel it will reflect in my behaviour, for example;If I am feeling happy I will feel I can do anything and have much more fun. If I feel angry I just what to give up on doing the thing I was doing. The more we know about our emotional states the better we can handle i.e. reducing stress Cook, D (2013).
I see cognitive intelligence as more physical as it involves more problem solving this can be supported by Lucknow (2013) who says 'Intelligence is a general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience'.
I feel my cognitive intelligence is affected by some of my different life experiences as they can have an affect on how I feel towards certain subjects. Scriven.M & Pau.R (1996).
Simplyphychology.org Freud (1915).
According to Freud the unconscious mind takes up the biggest portion of the mind while the conscious consists of the smaller portion O'Reilly.M (2013). This is outlined in the above images (S.Freud, 1915). Some people believe that the emotional intelligence is more important . I believe that the emotional and cognitive intelligence need to be equal and you cant have one with out the other. I think that cognitive thinking allows us to go through the process of thinking, while on the other hand the emotional intelligence, allows us to have feels about the thing we have just thought about or by the way we may have acted and reflected on a situation. I think without the cognitive intelligence we would not be able to come up with successful ideas and with out the emotional side we would not be able to cope with the actions we have made.
Reference List:
Purvis, C (2009) Factors that influence the development of critical thinking [online] Unversity of Georgia. Available at https://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/purvis_carol_a_200912_edd/purvis_carol_a_200912_edd.pdf [Assessed on 7th December 2013)
Cook, D 2013, Week 10, lecture 1&2, Emotional Intelligence, lecture referencing, communications and learning environment LT1, ITB, delivered 26th November 2013.
O'Reilly, M 2013, Week 2, lecture 3, Psychoanalysis and the psychodynamics approach to physiology, Introduction to physiology, LT1, ITB, delivered 23rd September 2013.
Freud's Iceberg image [online]Simplyphychology.org;http://www.google.com/imgres?biw=900&bih=579&tbm=isch&tbnid=TcCUk9jvVJhUJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.simplypsychology.org/unconscious-mind.html&docid=2C293e_zvjc1NM&imgurl=http://www.simplypsychology.org/unconscious-mind.jpg&w=275&h=378&ei=BDKmUpOvKaK07Qa4oYF4&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:5,s:0,i:115&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=182&tbnw=152&start=0&ndsp=8&tx=44&ty=125;[Taking on 9th December 2013].
Cognitive V's Emotional Intelligence,richardmronan.blogspot.com{online}-http://www.google.com/imgres?start=182&biw=900&bih=579&tbm=isch&tbnid=VwaTonDkvxIKUM:&imgrefurl=http://www.examiner.com/article/beyond-a-high-iq-emotional-social-and-ecological-intelligence-nyc-video&docid=r9nBblxLOToKxM&imgurl=http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/EXID11705/images/Emotional_Intelligence(1).jpg&w=400&h=270&ei=YDGmUpjzOOfR7Aa55oDACA&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:86,s:100,i:262&iact=rc&page=15&tbnh=155&tbnw=256&ndsp=15&tx=109&ty=85;[Taking on 9th December 2013].
Critical Thinking
My understanding of critical thinking,/reading has been very limited until before learning it. After finding out what critical thinking was I realised I do this all the time with out even knowing it. When I critically think I spend some time understanding the information correctly and what consequences can occur, instead I join together all the small pieces of what I have to do so I can then see the bigger picture. I always look at the following,
- Who I am bringing.
- What I need to bring.
- Where I am going.
- How I'm getting there.
- Why I am going to that place.
- What if i don't study got this exam.
- What's next (University of Plymouth, 2006).
When I critically think it reduces wasting time as I know exactly where I am going and exactly what I am getting especially if my time is limited. Thinking critically really benefits me. As a diabetic my-self I would have to critically think when going anywhere especially for long periods of time. The things I would have to think about would be,
- Where am I going, as I need to work out can I access food easily on a regular basis.
- Who was I going with, would that person know what to do if something where to happen me. What would I need to bring with me like insulin or hypo treatments.
- When I was going, to be able to organise snacks or food before I go.
- Why I was going, was it going to be an active day.
- How am I getting to the place, how long would it take as I have to eat at certain times.
- What if i didn't prepare for this trip it could have serious consequences with low or high blood levels, which can make me very sick if not treated correctly.
- What next, what will happen if my bloods do go high or low if I don't have any extra supplies with me will I risk it and stay or would I leave and go home?
Reference List:
Cook, D 2013, Week 10, lab 1, Critical Thinking, lecture referencing, communications and learning environment LT1, ITB, delivered 26th November 2013.
Model to Generate Critical Thinking (2006), [N.P];,[Online] Copyright Learning Development, University of Plymouth, http://www.learnhigher.ac.uk/ [Accessed on 5th December 2013]
S.Ganly, 2010,Critical Thinking: Benefits, Characteristics, and Decision Making, [Online] http://voices.yahoo.com/critical-thinking-benefits-characteristics-decision-5935574:[Accessed 7th December 2013].
Critical Thinking, [N,D], [Online]:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.boundless.com%2Fstatistics%2Fintroduction-to-statistics-and-statistical-thinking%2Foverview--29%2Fcritical-thinking--2%2F&h=0&w=0&sz=1&tbnid=05yW-xADU84HqM&tbnh=199&tbnw=253&zoom=1&docid=jl3tQ3L-VflFGM&ei=VmOnUtnNAsSu7AbktIGgBw&ved=0CAQQsCUoAQ[Accessed 6th December 2013].
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